Bruce Seiber
Bruce has provided exceptional custodial care of Rein in Sarcoma through various volunteer leadership positions since inception. As he steps down from two consecutive terms on the board, we extend our gratitude for his insight, support of growth and work chairing our nominations committee and bringing talented people to serve the mission of Rein in Sarcoma. We are deeply grateful for your time and service!

Lisa Griebel
We are grateful for Lisa’s vision, guidance and care of Rein in Sarcoma through her service on the board and past strategic planning committee work. With her exceptional communication skills, deep understanding of diagnosis, care and community support, her time has been instrumental in the growth of our mission. She touches all of our hearts with her positive energy to improve outcomes for others!

Tom McCarthy
Tom joined the RIS board in January of 2017, sharing his CPA and business acumen as our Treasurer and Executive Committee member. We have counted on his expertise with taxes, financial reporting, Party in the Park support and annual reports! Tom’s family has grown over the past years. As he steps down, we thank him for his talents, family support and time ensuring strong financial management.