Named Funds

Named Funds are established by individuals and families to honor the lives of specific sarcoma patients, survivors or loved ones lost to sarcoma. Named Funds honor individuals and enhance the mission of Rein in Sarcoma to educate the public and medical professionals about sarcomas, support patients and their loved ones, and fund research to develop new treatments and find a cure for sarcoma cancers.

Monthly Named Funds Honorees

  • Andrea Pomeroy -Named Fund Honoree

You too can help save lives and make a lasting impact!

What better way to thank and honor yourself or a loved one with sarcoma cancer, than to leave a legacy Named Fund to help sustain Rein in Sarcoma, an organization which has impacted your life and is meaningful to you and those you love.

Rein in Sarcoma Named Funds

(click on the fund name to read the person’s story and make a gift to their named fund)

Interested in starting a Named Fund?

If you are inspired and want to help Rein in Sarcoma grow please consider a Named Fund to honor you or someone you love who has been diagnosed with a sarcoma cancer. Please contact our Development Director at 763-205-1467 or by email: