New Office Manager!

Dear Community Members,   

We are thrilled to announce Joe Osterbauer Lopez as our new Office Manager of Rein in Sarcoma!  

Joe’s previous work included Medical Administration at PsyBar, Office Manager for an Installer Service, Accounting Assistant at the University of Minnesota as well as duties such as event management, special projects and technology expertise. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Corporate Environment Management from the University of Minnesota and is passionate about helping others. 

Joe started at the office June 22nd and has already begun organizing, visiting storage, processing check payments, picking up silent auction items and fixing equipment. Joe is very excited to collaborate and learn from all of you. Joe is confident that his skills and background will contribute to the success of RIS and is eager to start contributing. We are thrilled to have him on the team and hope you will be able to meet him soon. His email address is Feel free to send him a welcome note if you have time.