Type of Sarcoma: Rhabdomyosarcoma
Date of Diagnosis: 2008
Location: foot
Grace’s story begins late in 2008, when she noticed a lump on the bottom of her foot. She saw a doctor and began undergoing tests to find out what it was. After having the lump biopsied, Grace and her family learned on January 8, 2009 that she had Rhabdomyosarcoma, a rare type of cancer. The doctors told her she would have to have 54 weeks chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Grace began treatment at the University of Minnesota Hospital in February.
As of now, Grace is almost halfway through her treatments, and her scans have shown major progress in getting rid of the cancer! She has amazed her family and friends with her strength and courage, and has been able to do most of the things she wants to do. Her family is amazed by the kindness and generosity of each and every one of Grace’s supporters.
The Race for Grace was made in honor of 14 year old Grace Nelson due to her diagnosis to Rhybdomyosarcoma (a soft tissue cancer). The Race for Grace was organized by Grace’s friend, Aubree Tsurusaki with help from her mom, Karen. The first Race for Grace was held August 1st 2009 at Apple Valley East High School. The event attracted over 300 walkers/runners and raised over $33,000. From 2009-2011, the Race for Grace fund has raised $79,100 for RIS!
Everyone is looking forward to the day Grace is done with treatments and is a cancer survivor, although sometimes it seems like it will never come. Thank you to everyone participating and volunteering in the Race for Grace, as well as those who have made donations to Rein in Sarcoma. It is much appreciated by Grace and her family!
To visit the Race for Grace website, click here.