Type of Sarcoma: Leiomyosarcoma
Therese was a remarkable, creative, thoughtful, loving and committed woman. She was a professional nurse her entire career, in practice, teaching, and administration. In addition, she has a wonderful family with three daughters, all with doctoral degrees and children. She has six vibrant young grandchildren.
Therese was the Executive Director of the Third District Nurses Association for a decade and served in leadership at both the state and national level. The Third District Board of Directors is pleased to be able to honor her service with this gift.
Therese assumed her role as Executive Director of the Third District Nurses at a time when the organization was troubled and, through many entrepreneurial measures moved the District quickly onto solid ground. The District flourished with a suite of very attractive and helpful services to members and to nurses nationally.
She was a skillful, innovative, strong and loyal leader through a difficult time. She sustained this leadership even through at time when she was fighting her own personal battle with leiomyosarcoma. Nurses in this community love and appreciate her!
In great appreciation of Therese the Third District Nurses and the Daniel’s family established the Therese Daniel’s Fund in July of 2013.