Start the new year by setting positive intentions, sharing your story, connecting with others, and providing input on Rein in Sarcoma’s (RIS) mission. Join us for RIS Winter Gathering: Make it Happen on February 4, from 1:00-4:00 pm.
Learn how to create a personal vision board to explore your hopes, dreams and goals for 2024. Hear from RIS Executive Director, Lachelle Semanko and provide input to create a group vision board to guide the work of RIS.
There will be time to share your thoughts and ideas, as well as engage with others impacted by sarcoma. All supplies will be provided at no cost. Feel free to bring personal photos, magazines, etc. to use on your board.
Open to all sarcoma patients, survivors, family, friends, & those who have lost a loved one to sarcoma. Light snacks and refreshments will be served.
Portions of the event will be recorded and will be available following the event.
Location: Bachman’s (The Heritage Room 6010 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis)
Registration: reininsarcoma.org/wintergathering or (763) 205-1467; RSVP by January 31, 2024