$2 Million Research Funding Milestone

Rein in Sarcoma reached $2 million in sarcoma cancer research funding with its recent award of $150,000 for three University of Minnesota research projects. We celebrate this milestone in the organization’s 20th year of providing research funds to the UMN, Mayo Clinic, Children’s Minnesota, and SARC.

We thank our donors for their generous and continued support for making this possible. And we thank the researchers for their innovative and forward looking work to improve the treatment and outcomes for sarcoma cancer patients.

Blake Hastings, RIS Board Director, Melissa Davies, RIS Development Director, Dr. Brenda Wigel (UMN), Eric Lien, RIS Board Vice President, Janelle Calhoun, RIS Executive Director, and Tom Boardman, Development Committee Chair.

To learn more about the research that we fund, click here

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